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"Yeah, Bo-ie"
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Tough days

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1:50:31 PM
I'm missing you lots. The holidays seem to get tougher as we all go our own ways. It seems like everyone is growing up so fast and starting to do their own thing. I hope we can stay close as we all go in our own directions. I can't help but think how much you've missed out on and how much your missing presence is noticed by all. Somedays I get near to tears and other days I just break down and cry. I'm still devastated by your loss and struggle with it. I still have moments where I'm tempted to call you. There's so many things I want to talk to you about and share with you. I know you listen when I talk out loud but its not the same. I want to hear your voice and hear you say I love you just one more time. I miss your hugs and laughter. Your comforting words and sound advice. Things have changed and it makes me sad. I long for the days of old. I miss the chaos and fun we all use to have. My heart aches and no matter how much I cry the pain doesn't seem to go away any. I was just telling someone about the time you laid your ladder on its side and put bottle rockets in the holes. You then had everyone light one. It was awesome. However, I think we had more fun just cutting a small piece of fuse and lighting it. The laughter was abundant that night. I miss you so much!! I hope your having fun in heaven with all your loved ones. I love you.
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