Bob York
12/28/2007 2:10:42 PM | We ask ourselves why? why him? Truly Dan was one of a kind. But I personally believe, this isn't the end for Dan. Knowing Dan, he's probably, cracking jokes with St. Pete, and impressing all the girly angels in heaven with his famous one liners. I can only imagine what kind of mischief he's getting into right now. Dan was a very loving man, He loved his family, He loved his Friends, and he loved his job. He showed amazing Christ like qualities such as love your enemy, and never judge a person. Dan always gave people a chance, even when he didn't like them. He wasn't perfect, but he was a light in a world of darkness, and his light was love. I know that heaven will be a better place as Dan reaches for new horizons. I comfort myself by saying it was his time, he reached a spiritual maturity that this world could no longer provide, and he went out in style on Christmas day. If I could talk to Dan right know, I know what he would say: ' I had to go, but please, please take care of my family. This was his life. His wife and kids. So I pray that all of us will honor his wishes by giving and supporting his family in this time of need. |