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11:43:15 PM
I didn't know what seems to be this fine man God put on earth but I feel I do through Robin and Bud. I am Robin's best friend and we have been through a lot together. We have had our laughs and our tears as anyone else along with our health problems.
I sincerely send my condolences along with my heart and prayers both to his loved ones and I feel he had quite a few people that loved him. He looks like the kind of person that would be full of love and laughter.

I am sure he would not want you to grieve for he is in Heaven now. None of us know or even understand why things happen when they do but God has the reason and the answer. It is not up to us to question him as to why he is gone but to accept it.

I have lost almost all my family and the hardest thing I feel in life is being lonely and missing the love. It takes time but with God's help and all these wonderful friends and family around you, they will be your strength along with God.

God Bless!
Love, Brenda
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