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Keeping it Together

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6:56:10 PM
He also had a way of keeping everything together. He also found someway to make everyone in the family together and he would also try to work out everyones problems. Without thinking he would help someone if they had a problem. He had forgivness for ones that sometimes seemed impossible to most but he always found some way to forgive them. Now that he is gone people are getting seperated from each other because of the stupid choices that they are making. He really was the GLUE to everything!!

We all miss you so much and love you. Not a day goes by that you don't cross my mind and so many others.

You are AWESOME!!!
Cristine Hodgson

7:26:22 AM
It's very hard to realize that one change can cause so many others. I think everyone will realize in time the importance of family and keeping them together. Dan had an uncanny knack for it though, no doubt!

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