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Generocity...Hodgson Style!

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Bryan Hodgson

3:17:47 PM
In christmas of 2006 we all had a gift exchange. We exchanged names between our two gigantic clans and visited for a couple of days. Dan took me outside after we had exchanged gifts and showed me the back of his truck. In it was an INSANE amount of random gifts, like Poker sets, 4 complete tool kits with power drills and saws and everything. He pulls out one of the poker sets and tells me 'I know we already exchanged gifts, but your my brother and i hear you like to play a little poker'. that same night he passed out random extra gifts and when i asked why he even bought all that extra stuff he said 'Why? do you know anyone who needs it? it was on sale so i just bought 4 of each!' He was such a generous giving person and always made sure those around him were always taken care of, and not just physically, but he wanted everyone to be happy.
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