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Big events without you

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11:30:46 PM
Really missing you right now!! Tomorrow marks another big event that you won't be there for :(!! I find myself asking 'why?' alot lately and although I know it's not for me to understand, I still want to know WHY God took you from us so early in this life. I wish you were here!! Love you!

11:30:46 PM
You would be so very proud of mike and how he has become such a good you man and heading the right way in life,mason is In LOVE he says gabbi is the one lol you would probley kick his ass lol !!:) Randa looks so much like you but a pretty version lol! I miss talking to you because you were always the go to guy for advice !! I know if heaven has computers then you will read this!! So just know I miss ya and your not forgotten <3
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